Amazing sex …. and all the problems simple disappear … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Amazing sex …. and all the problems simple disappear … written by the well known romanian writter Adrian Gabriel Dumitru

Blog Article

I saw over the years many couples … which did not really knew how to act on the stage of life.

… or at least one of the partner was like that.

But what looked as a paradox to me was that … even in such conditions … all was ok.

I recently had again the chance to see such a couple.

She was acting … absolutely perfect …. but him …

Well … i knew him, by a long, long time.

Even if he was not a bad guy … most probably … as a lover … he was not really acting properly.

At least … this is what i saw … when i was looking at them.

But … maybe i was not seeing … everything, cause she was acting … perfect … all the time.

It was almost … a nonsense … cause he was all the time acting like an idiot and she was indeed the perfect woman … not only for him … but was seen like that in front of the eyes of any man that knew her.

So … i’ve started to ask myself … what is really going on between them?!

Any normal woman … would lose her temper with such a man … and simple run away.


Would even become … depressive near such a person …. as my friend.

But … not this lady.

No …

Being intrigued … about the real truth behind this story … one day … i’ve dared to ask her … “My dear! Sorry to bother you …. but i wanted to ask you something by a long, long time.

How’s that an amazing woman like you … which is acting into a way … which many men would define as … the perfect woman … stays near a guy … which i know for 100% that is not acting all the time … let’s say …. properly?!”

She smiled … and replied … “We really have amazing … sex.

And we do it … everyday.

On and on … and on.

Our sexual connection it’s … amazing.

So … everything else … becomes … irrelevant…”

I was a little bit shocked of her answer.

Like many other times … i was wrong in my perceptions and my analyzes about life … and the people i see around myself.

I had to accept … there are things which i don’t know and i can’t really know all the details between a couple … which in fact … i don’t really know so well.

I’ll probably have to stop playing this game of defining … or learn to connect better to people so that i can go deeper inside their souls.

This amazing lady … just reconfirmed me the importance of the amazing sex …. into a relationship.


I knew it … but probably ignored its importance … and the fact that the sexual connection itself … makes everything be …. amazing.

Download the book ”Depression ... the gateway to the real happiness” written by the romanian author Adrian Dumitru for FREE.


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